"Ohio man accused of tattooing a tot's rear end" <-- seriously.
This 20 yr old doucher tattooed a tiny "A" (police said it was smaller than a dime) on a 1 yr old's butt.
- What does the "a" stand for?
- Why the F would you put a tattoo on a kid's butt?
- Where the h - e - double hockey sticks was the mom?
I seriously do not understand some people and what goes through their heads. I'm 24 and I wouldn't put an "a" on my butt let alone encourage anyone else to do it. What was the motivator here that impelled this guy to put an "a" on a little girls booty? Hmm...can you call slash consider it a booty if they are one? I don't know. I just feel lame for saying "butt" so much.
Wait people this gets better. This guy was from Ohio. We have some local doucher parents of our own livin' "the good life" in Nebraska.
Read that then go ahead and puke in your mouth. Mom sleeping with her teenage boy NIGHTLY. Not once. Not twice. Nightly. Not that once or twice is okay either but come on EW! I feel so bad for this kid. He's 15 right now, and this happened when he was in 7th and 8th grade. Holy smokes is he going to have issues. The dad "had a feeling" something was wrong. Um okay... You had a feeling? Well pa what did you do about this feeling? Because the kid told a school counselor, that's how authorities found out. So sounds like you didn't do anything about your hunch that something, something REALLY wrong, was going on in your kids life. I'm not blaming the dad, I blame the gross, demented, messed up, lousy mom. She was addicted to pain pills. Um okay ever seen House? He was addicted to pain pills and he didn't go around sleeping with teenagers...although there was that one episode with the blonde girl and her dad...hmmmm. Nope, still not okay. Just more messed up.
Here's another DUMB one. Dear god let's hope they don't get an MTV show.
I'm surprised the losers (read it they really are complete losers) admitted all the stuff that they did in that article. Seriously, seriously, stupid people. I don't even know where to start on this one. Okay, so you think it's fun to duct tape your little kid to the wall and taunt them my taping their sippy cup out of reach? Wow. You are awesome. NOT. I used my Borat voice on that one. Yeah, okay, I don't have a Borat voice. Moving on. So the mom tells the police that this was for "their own entertainment". Oh, your own entertainment. I get it. Okay, that makes perfectly, logical sense now. Seriously people? How is that entertaining? Crying babies are annoying and that made the kid cry, making this sound no fun right off the bat. Even if the kid didn't cry, this wouldn't be fun for me: point of clarification.
So the mom goes on to say that put the kid in a coat closet with no light. What in the world is wrong with you? Her parents have to be SO proud. I hope my parents are reading this blog. Mom, Dad, please note how messed up these kids are. I don't even use real cuss words in my blog!
"...they were most likely under the influence of marijuana at the time..." Again with trying to justify this behavior. Do you think that admitting that makes it alright to do? Do you think people will understand and feel bad for you? Seriously people. Ugh. I am so annoyed by all this! Why would they tape the kid up and why take a picture of it? Please tell me WHO would be impressed by seeing that photo. Aren't you supposed to keep cute pictures of your kids in your wallets to show people and brag about your kid. Does this "mom" go to the grocery store, run into a friend, and whip out the picture of her 22 month old flipping off the camera, crying, trying to reach its cup but can't because it is taped to the dang wall with duct tape? If someone showed you a picture of that what would you do?
Okay know what I just thought of? No you probably don't. Well it's your lucky day because I am going to tell you. How much would it suck to be that kid. A lot right? Yeah a lot. Think about when they take the tape off. OUCH. These people are sociopaths. They have to be.
On to our next douche bag.
Now this guy goes back and forth on how the baby's tongue got cut. I watch enough crime/detective shows to know HE'S LYING!!! dum dum (just an fyi - that was the law and order noise because I just cracked the case)
The article said "the cut extended almost the full length of the baby's tongue and was nearly deep enough to cut all the way through." Let me get this straight. A baby was crying, which turns out they do - deal with it douche! So to stop him from crying you put your hand in his itty bitty mouth and pinched his tongue? That would make me cry! Then you cut it. Logically how is inflicting pain on someone, especially under the age of one, going to make them stop crying? Think people. Use your brains.
So there was a third article right after this all went down and the mom of the baby who was dating the douche bag said 'she couldn't believe it' and might end their relationship. Okay way to go mom. That's great because he sucks and that makes sense. Hold up. She married him, AND is having a baby with him. Seriously people?
I would like to end this post by saying thank you to my parents. Thank you for not sucking at life like these people. I have kind of been holding a grudge that neither of you got me one of those little pink jeep things for toddlers that you can drive around - not the big wheels you have to pedal - the kind that go on their own. Seriously... I've always been a little hurt I never had one of those. You will be happy to know that riiiiiiiiiight.... abouttttttt...nowwwwwwwwwwwwww.... Yup, I just let it go. Not holding on to that anymore.
Alright I'm all sorts of worked up now, but it's time to work.
That's all.
The crazy thing is that this only the stuff that is reported...just think of the stuff that isn't reported
ReplyDeleteAnd I thought my parents making me cut my own switch was abuse... gesh