Saturday, February 6, 2010

24 things at 24

I make lists all the time, like ALL the time.  I'll make a low-ball estimate for you minimum 4 a day.  Lists make me feel productive and give me a false sense of focus.  I also feel good about myself everytime I get to cross something off my list - sharpies are my crosser offers of choice (yup just made up that word...definitely not in the dictionary, but my blog = my rules). 

So I made a list the other day, which I've already told you about, 24 things to do when I'm 24.  You've asked to see it, so here it is! I say "you" as in people that have commented on my first blog and those oh so loved cuatro that are following my blog - KUDOS TO YOU, you rock!

drum roll please....

24 things to do when I'm 24

1. Start, maintain and keep a blog for one year
    Woo! I already started this so I am WELL on my way to cross this baby off!

2. Make a big purchase by myself, no help or advice from anyone
    I bought a car in December, which was a pretty big purchase, but my step dad helped me. I definitely NEEDED his help, but at 24 I think I'm fully capable of buying something BIG all on my own.

3. Apply for the Amazing Race
    I love, love, love, love, LOVE reality television, and I've always wanted to be on a show. At 24, I am going to fill out my application for the Amazing Race!

4. Lose 20 pounds
    This one scares me. I hope I can do it, but I have doubts. I am not going to cheat though. I want to weigh 20 pounds less than what I weigh now, which I am NOT telling you. I'll tell you if I cross this one off!  Initially I thought I could count: losing 3 lbs, gaining 4, then losing 1 as 4 lbs lost....ha but I won't do that

5. Read 24 books
    I don't think I've even read 24 books in my life, but this sounds like a fun challenge.

6. Learn to take a compliment
    I am horrible at taking compliments, I feel like people are making fun of me not being nice - how annoying!
    a. Compliment myself everyday
        I need to be nicer to myself.
    b. Compliment someone else everyday
        It feels good to get compliments, so I want to GENUINELY give out compliments everyday to the people I love.

7. Donate 60% of my  clothes and things aka useless junk
    I have been living out of a couple suitcases for almost four months, and I've been doing just fine with what I have. I need to get rid of my crap to people that need it more than me. Oh, and I am afraid of ending up on Hoarders so this should help.

8. Take a hot air balloon ride
    Have you ever seen "the ugly truth"? Well at the end of this movie they are in a hot air balloon, and it is simply amazing. I want an experience like that.

9. Take a completely random roadtrip - hopefully not alone
    I realize that putting this on a list makes it a little less than "completely random" but like I said, my blog = my rules.

10. Plant a tree
      I go through a lot of post it notes for all my lists, planting a tree would be good for me!

11. Take an exercise class
      eh...we'll see how this goes!

12. Volunteer
      I have lots of free time so why not?

13. Donate money to every bell ringer I see during the Christmas season
      I won't be able to donate wads of cash, but loose change is better than nothing.

14. Talk/call my family at least once a week
      You guys better not ignore my calls!!

15. Go to 5 concerts
      This just sounds fun to me!! I need people to go with though. I don't want to be THAT girl that goes alone.

16. Go to Las Vegas
      Can't wait for this!! Putting it on my list will FORCE me to save my dolla dolla bills!

17. Go to a State I've never been to (Nevada doesn't count)
      Flying over a state doesn't count either.

18. Kiss, play, and dance in the rain
      Okay, this sounds fairly lame in my head and even more lame when I type it out. I've watched a lot of sappy movies lately and this just seems like something I ought to try and do.

19. Watch the sun set and rise without going to bed
      I've done this before, but this time I don't want to be so drunk I can actually remember it!

20. Spend an entire weekend in my pajamas and in bed - and not because I am sick
      I hope to do this one like... ALL the time!

21. Build a snowman
      We've gotten enough snow this year for about 609,394 snowmen!

22. Drink champagne and eat strawberries dipped in my sweat pants
      I think this just sounds like a great idea. I love sweats, I love chocolate, I love strawberries, and I love champagne. Why not put them all together!

23. Climb/hike a mountain
      eh...not like Mt. Everest or anything, but a teeny mountain will do!

24. Get a pet
      I miss my dog, Wrigley, so much. I think about her everyday. I don't want to replace her, I just want a new pet, one that is all mine! (insert greedy voice here)

Okay, there you have it!  I'll keep you all updated on my progress!

ps I am taking volunteers to complete these items with me!


  1. oh wow sister! i feel like i could help you cross of some of those tasks...
    1) we are going to jazzercise in like 5 min, so theres an exercise class
    2) we are going to vegas in april
    3) i will lay in bed with you all weekend in my pjs too, MY FAV!
    4) i talk to you almost every day, so thats one that can be crossed off your list
    5) amazing race or big brother! lets do it, you can do all the strategizing and stuff and i'll just go for the ride :)
    6) we are going to jason aldean so theres on of the 5 concerts...
    ok ok enough of all that, but there are some of them there i WON'T help you with, hot air balloon..not gunna happen! :)

    love u sis!

  2. I plan on going hiking in Colorado to a peak over 14,000 feet...

  3. I like the list...I would totally be up for a random road trip.. we could go to really funny places like the place with the biggest paper clip or like the place with the best ribs ;)

  4. I'll go pet shopping with you! And roadtrip - possibly to a Big 12 Stadium? You probably need to add that to the list of course...

  5. Ok I am late on commenting, but I will totally help you with this list. Hmmmmm...

    6. I will give you lots of compliments...and you better take them!! :)

    8. My dad took a hot air balloon for his birthday, my mom got it for him and he has always wanted to do that. Maybe I could find out the person they went with and we could go!!

    9. I know it's not random, but I would love you to road trip down here this weekend!! Or anytime!

    15. Let me know and I will definitely go to a concert with you. I love Lady Antebellum so maybe we could see that!

    Ok I can probably help you with more, but there's a start. We are 24 now!! Ahhhhhh!!!!!
