Monday, February 8, 2010

my favorite day in school

In elementary, my favorite day in school was ALWAYS Valentine's day. What's not to love? I LOVED making a Valentine's Day box for my friends and classmates to fill with my favorite thing in the world - CANDY!  I remember my Valentine's Day box in 3rd grade; it was hard core. I'm not talking a little shoe box with construction paper hearts all over it; I'm talking hard. core. (the periods add emphasis - just an fyi) It was a robot! Oh man it was SO cool, I remember covering it in tinfoil and it had little heart eyes.  I had the best V-Day box in the class and then one girl who lived down the street, Laura, copied it. Ugh. Still makes me mad!  I bet she is still really chubby, too. Okay I'm not as bitter as I seem...or maybe I am...just a little.

In junior high and high school, once I moved to Nebraska, my favorite day was Bus Evacuation Day.  I never rode a bus in Iowa so this was pretty cool to get to do when we moved (yes I am that lame...I thought riding a school bus was fun and it was even more fun to learn how to evacuate the bus. Don't I get a few cool points for acknowledging and embracing my lameness? Yes, I feel as though I do...Okay let's continue).  I have no idea why I liked Bus Evacuation Day so much.  It took about 30 minutes and we got out of a class to go sit on the bus and learn about safety and how to get out of the bus in an emergency.  I think I liked this so much because: 
1. We got out of class. Duh. Always a good thing.
2. When we were getting on a bus another class was getting off, so that meant the older cute boys would see me.  Okay, that is kind of a lame reason. There were barely 100 people in my entire high school so pretty sure everyone saw everyone in our teeny little school with one main hallway.
3. We got to sit on the bus and if you were lucky, a boy would sit with you!  Cool kids in the back! It was always coolest to sit in the back. Everyone knows how to exit the front of the bus, but if you were sitting in back you got to exit the emergency exit, which for some reason excited me.

Okay, basically we can all come to the conclusion that I am entertained quite easily and I am fairly lame.

In college, my favorite day in school was always the day after the super bowl.  I was an Advertising major, which meant in every single advertising course we talked about the ads.  How great is that? Fifty minutes devoted to discussing television.  Not boring television either, the good, new and usually funny commercials.  I actually learned in these classes. I loved group discussions where we could talk about what worked and didn't work, how they could have reached the target audience more, which ads would resonate sales and which would be a complete flop. 

Well I'm not in college anymore, so I don't get to do this. Sad. Wait not so fast...I have an idea! This post is going to be devoted to the ads (as well as my lame stories of shoe box robots and sitting on a bus listen to the overweight bus driver tell us not to be to loud and stay seated).

I was a little unimpressed with some of the ads this year, but I did have some favorites.

As a whole, I thought Hyudai (woo sonatas!), Doritos, Coke and Bud Light did the best this year.

I really liked Doritos' first two commercials - the one with the little boy that slapped the guy and said "leave yo hands off my mama and leave yo hands off my Doritos!".  The commercial with the dog and the shock collar was clever, too.

Budlight had a TON of commercials this year, holy big budget!  The asteroid one was my favorite.  The house made of beer and the bridge one were kind of funny as well. 

Hyundai's Brett Favre commercial was really good. In my expert opinion, yes I am an advertising expert - and I have the oh so expensive piece paper to prove it, this was one of the best commercials. It was clever, funny, and perfect for the target audience.

I really liked the Griswold's commercial. This was for some thing, which I've never heard of. I'm biased just because the National Lampoon's Vacation movies are my favorite. It was great to see Beverly and Chevy, ahem I mean Sparky and Ellen.

Google's "French Love Story" was a pretty good commercial, too. I love google, and I google the crap out of anything and everything so I thought this was good.  I even liked that they spelled the Louvre/Louve wrong!

Finally, the Betty White Snickers commercial. I laughed the hardest at this one. Betty White is awesome. Snickers are awesome. This was great. Loved it.

I didn't like the Tim Tebow commercial - it was WAY too cheesy. It was real lame.  The commercial got a lot of hype before the commercial so I knew what it was going to be about, but had it not the message wouldn't have been very clear. The lameness distracted me too. Timmy and his mom need to focus on things other than a television career.  I didn't like the Doritos coffin commercial. This one was fairly creepy and just weird.  I'm tired of commercials, too. Blah.

I think it will be interesting to see if Dove's new body wash for men has a surge in sales. Clever commercial, in my opinion, but I'm not so sure a guy would like to buy "dove" soap. We'll see. More times than not, the ladies do the shopping anyways!

Okay, I have rambled a lot, which is no surprise, but I want to know what you guys thought about the commercials!  

Happy day after the Super Bowl, and hope you aren't all too hungover to comment!


  1. I hated bus evac day...because it took time out of all the learning I was doing

  2. You lie! You loved sitting by me on the bus.

  3. You know why Budweiser has a budget...that is the one recession proof industry. Thank goodness!
