Thursday, March 4, 2010


You know how there are those signs or stickers you can put on your wall that are just words? I'm talking about the ones that are intended to serve as little inspirational reminders like 'relax,' 'friends,' 'family,' 'simplify,' and the list goes on and on. The one that really gets me and leaves me scratching my head (not literally) is 'simplify.'

If you are simplifying your life does it really make sense to purchase stickers to put on your wall as a reminder or buy a sign to place on a shelf? In my opinion it seems to just kind of clutter things up a little more. Cluttering is more ore less of the opposite of it not? I'm not knocking clutter. For those of you who truly know me, you know I am the queen of clutter. Ready for a digression? I'm assuming you are all eagerly nodding your heads in anticipation of where I could possibly go with this one.  Wait no longer my friends, here it comes. One of my biggest fears is ending up on AE's show Hoarders...I'm afraid of this because it really isn't that unrealistic. I don't want to be on there with dead cats buried beneath things from 12 years ago and have people at home dry heaving in their utter disbelief someone could be that cluttered, messy, and lazy. Since I am so afraid of this I don't think it will happen. If you haven't watched this show, check it out - it is CRAZY. Moving on...

I am a cluttered mess in basically every aspect of my life. I've been tempted to buy one of those little signs or stickers - especially the 'simplify' one - I think I could use the reminder. I haven't actually made the purchase yet, simply because I feel like it'd be like ordering a number two supersized at McDonalds with a diet coke - just doesn't seem all that logical - very contradictory. Wouldn't you agree?

Simplifying is almost always a good idea and useful in everyday life. This is especially true in writing. I love writing, it's one of my favorite things to do. I wish I was better at it. It helps me focus and think through things. My english teacher, Mr. McCoy, always filled the margins of my essays with red ink and on almost everything I wrote it would say: KISS - meaning: Keep It Simple Stupid. 

If you haven't noticed, I am repetitive and redundant (is it redundant to say I am both repetitive and redundant because they are pretty similar? While I'm discussing redundancy this little parenthetical digression is redundant, too...dang it).  I tend to digress and and go off on tangents (digressing and going off on tangents is pretty similar as well, which means I was just repetitive in trying to get my point across...and redundant...again...geesh I am more repetitive and redundant than I thought).

When I blog or write in my journal I don't mind my redundancy or my digressions all that much. I use my journal and blog as an outlet for my thoughts. Maybe you find them interesting and entertaining - maybe you don't - doesn't really matter. How I write is how I think. I just start typing the thoughts that come into my head and with that comes redundancy and digressions galore. I imagine these entries are a bit hard to follow, and I do apologize for that.

Now if they had a little inspirational KISS sign or sticker - not as in smooch, rather meaning Keep It Simple Stupid - that's something I'd buy. Mr. McCoy would be so proud...that I remembered the saying...not proud that I continually fail to keep it simple.


  1. I just said that saying to someone the other day and they didn't believe me that it's a common saying! They thought I was calling them stupid...but maybe I was :) Also, I do have to say that although it does seem wrong to order a diet coke with such a high calorie/fat meal...I actually like diet coke better, always have. So in my case I think it's not contradictory! But this is a very good point!

  2. Mr. McCoy thought I was soo good at writing my papers, that he had me grade his writing
